An iPhone application for organizing recipes

Users of Shop’NCook Direct Access recipe database may have seen recently strange recipes with title “Test iPhone” appearing and disappearing from the recipe list… Well, as you may have inferred, I was busy testing my new iPhone application!

I have just finished submitting it to Apple’s app store: a browser application for the Direct Access recipe database that lets you also add your own recipes to the database too.

Apple’s submission process of new app is said to be very tough – and it’s the first app I submit, – so I don’t expect it to be accepted on the first try. But hopefully it will be available in a few weeks on the app store…

Meanwhile, here are a few pictures of the app.

IMG_0282.png iPhoneRecipeView

I will keep you posted here on the status of the submission and tell you more about this app soon. And maybe you’ll soon be organizing your recipes on the iPhone!


  1. Angela says:

    so excited! Can’t wait to try it out!

  2. SpiceOfLife says:

    Very exciting news! I’ll be on the lookout for it.