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Press release July 27, 2004

Plan your shopping and cooking with Shop'NCook

Rufenacht Innovative announces the release of Shop'NCook 3.0, an integrated shopping list and recipe management software for the Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, Mac OS X 10.2/10.3 and Linux platforms.

Shop'NCook is a complete tool for everyday shopping and cooking. You can create compact, great-looking shopping lists in seconds by clicking on items or adding from recipes and sublists. Unlike many shopping list utilities, it has a database of nearly 2000 grocery items that makes it a snap to start writing shopping lists without having to input hundreds of items.

Most of the items you buy are already listed, and those that are not are easily added. By organizing the items according to the aisles of your supermarket, you will save considerable time and efforts during shopping. An e-mail tool allows you to send shopping lists and recipes by e-mail, to delegate your shopping or share your recipes with friends.

The recipe manager lets you input your own recipes and search the recipes by title, categories, and ingredients. For each recipe, you get a list of ingredients that you can scale to the number of servings and add to the shopping list with a click. You will not need to figure out again how many ounces of butter or flour you need to buy to make one cup - the automatic unit converter takes care of it for you. Also, the nutritional information helps you compose healthy meals.

Recipes can be imported in popular formats (MM, MXP, MX2 and plain text) either from files, or directly from the Internet with the browser tool. Have fun uncovering hundreds of thousands of recipes scattered in Internet archives, readily available for import. Shop'NCook provides also direct access to its own online recipe database,, where users share their recipes.

Shop'NCook costs $23.95(US) for a single-user license with one year free upgrades. For more information and to purchase the product, visit or contact Rufenacht Innovative, Zimmermannstr. 25, CH-5200 Brugg, Switzerland. Tel: +41 56 441 59 11. E-mail: contact at

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