My Leopard CD was finally in the mailbox yesterday. I had received numerous e-mails during the past week reporting that Shop’NCook installers did not work on Leopard… so I was quite impatient to test Shop’NCook myself on the new operating system of Apple.
Beside the installation problems, I have found the following issues on Leopard:
As a temporary solution, I have made new installers for Leopard. They are now live on the site. If you need to install or reinstall Shop’NCook Home, Menu, Pro or Reader, you can download the new installers below:
Note that only the installers have been modified. It is not a new release of Shop’NCook, the installed content is the same. You do not need to reinstall the program if it is already installed.
I will release an update in one or two weeks to fix the other issues that I can fix. Problems 1 and 2 come apparently from a bug of Leopard – I may not be able to do something until Apple releases an update – but they are relatively minor and should not interfere with the usage of the programs.