If you have any questions about Shop’NCook, you can now find the answer to your question, contact us or get help from other Shop’NCook users in the new help desk. You will find there step-by-step tutorials, videos, frequently asked questions and more.
Can I print a recipe from Shop’NCook on recipe cards? (2 per sheet)
You can print on recipe cards, but at the time being only one recipe per sheet.
What option do i use for PayPal payment??? Pls reply urgently
For PayPal payment, let us know which version of Shop’NCook you want to purchase, the number of copies and the options if any (CD & user’s manual or family license) and we will send you an invoice to pay on PayPal. For a prompt reply, please contact us preferably on the help desk by clicking on the Ask Us tab on the left side of the screen.