I am having a video introduction made for the new series of tutorial. There is a cook appearing at the end of the intro and I have two options now with a different cook.
We are having a heated discussion at home on which is the best. It has probably something to do with the fact that my husband drew one of them (I won’t say which one)… Can you help me choose objectively the best one?
This is option 1:
This is option 2:
You can vote in the comments below, on YouTube or on Shop’NCook’s Facebook fan page.
I don’t really like either. If I had to chose one I would take option 2.
I don’t like either of the cooks… the first one is a bit robotic looking, and the second is well, a little creepy. Couldn’t you go for a friendlier look?
Sorry to be negative but I’m not keen on either cook. Version one is rather Picasso-like and the hat seems odd too. Version 2 looks annoying, sort-of smug I suppose. Doesn’t look like a helpful, friendly person, which is what I’d want for a tutorial. But I like the hat and coat. How about a version 3 made of version 2 but with a friendly face?
I like number two, looks kind of like The Simpsons.
I realy like number 2 without a dought, he has that come hither look in his eyes………Cheers
I don’t really like either of them… The first looked kinda weird, like the face was missing a part, and the second looked creepy (I think it is the eyes).
I vote for a real life scenario. A happy person stirring the pot.
Do away with the grumpy chef, please
shopNCook lettering takes up most of the 15 seconds. The focus should be on the shopping experience. Starting with the cell phone or Ipod, than the info from the computer than the groceries flying into the cooking pot.
#2 is better. #1 is ??? he looks misinformed? #2 is maybe a little smiley but OK. Does have a touch of the Simpsons.
I agree with Cas pretty much, how about a 3rd version made of version 2 with a different face. Number two does look too Simpsonish.
I prefer the intro with the “SHOP N COOK” letters and the shopping bag dropping on the “N” I think the other “foodie” artwork and “chef” should be left out altogether. Keep ot simple.
#1 is better
Hi, I really think that they are both looking ugly. Sorry.
What’s the heated discussion about? I couldn’t tell much difference between them. Neither thrilled me.
I like the 2nd one better, but I agree with many of the other comments in that he looks a bit annoyed. I would like him better if he were a bit happier.
I don’t like either. The second chef seems better drawn, but does not look friendly. What about a woman chef?
I’l go with 2. At least he has a good smile.
Don’t like any of them….need to be more creative.
Number 2 is the best. First one looks amateurish.
If I have no other choice, I’ll go for 2
I like the first cook the best, stylistically he works best with the rest of the presentation (would be even better if he had a little mouth)
Thank you all for the feedback.
It helped me realize that I don’t really like either – that’s probably why I couldn’t make up my mind.
I like the cook number 2 best (he is funny), but finally he doesn’t correspond to the image I have of Shop’NCook.
You are right, he should be smiling – because it was so easy to do the grocery shopping and he knows he has now all the ingredients on hand to cook.
I think he should be also smart-looking – because, well, it is smart to use a software to do the meal planning, rather than doing all the hard work manually, isn’t it?
I will have the cook remade in another style.
Woman cook: I was thinking of having a woman home cook made in addition to the professional chef. Maybe I should break from the stereotypes and have a man home cook and a professional woman chef…
Do you really need a chef in the depiction? If you want access to a menu planner what value does the chef add other than a human quality or aspect?
I’d suggest supplying photos of what a finished dish /meal looks like for the user instead of trying to depict a chef’s personality.
How about a compromise just show a hand lifting the lid of a silver salver to show a picture of a finished meal made from the ingredients shown in the intro, keep hubby happy:)
Hey, as a chef who has done many cooking videos, and been on American television, I have to say that I don’t like either of them. Number 1, looks like he’s got something wrong with him, and Number 2, looks like a character from the Simpsons.
Maybe a female chef with softer features, or something bordering on the French Chef look.
One of our chefs at CIA always used to say: Never trust a skinny chef… Maybe something with a bit more meat on the bone… so to speak.
In my opinion… try again.
I don’t like either cook. Both look amoebic. The beginning is fine, however.
Neither one. I think you would do much better with a friendly looking chef. They both have a creepy look to them. Andy hit it on the head. Go with a French Chef (male or female) look. I’ve been in the restaurant industry also, and he’s right…never trust a skinny chef!
The concept of lifting the pot lid was good though. Good luck!
I didn’t really like either chef. Since the rest is nice, perhaps there doesn’t need to be a chef. (They both look a bit sinister.)
I too, would like to see a french chef, not svelte, but not chubby. I am in LA, being fit is a necessity out here!
I didn’t like either option. I don’t think a cook is needed. Maybe a knife cutting or chopping veggies that migrate into the pot could finish the intro.
Thank you for the French cook idea.
I have asked the graphic designer to re-make the chef as a non-skinny round-faced happy-looking French chef…
See the two new options of French chef…
I prefer the second one, but by looking at the other two on the main page of your blog, i.e. non-skinny French cooks, both of them are even nicer. I would opt for the woman, in your honor, dear Mathilde.
I’m not keen on either cook, but I really don’t like #2. I’ve always been told that graphics should reinforce or expand on the message — they aren’t just there for decoration. In that case, it seems that the computer, the cell phone, and the shopping bag are useful, but the cooks – not so much.
Hello Mathilde……….your feb 7th post says all that I was going to say. like sharp calm smiling chefs of either sex….