I receive many enthusiastic comments about Shop’NCook‘s recipe wizard. The wizard is able to interpret recipes and recognize ingredients automatically, and as far as I know Shop’NCook is the only program able to do that without requiring the recipes to be formatted in some special way. Here are a couple of comments I loved:
«I have been playing with the program. I was very satisfied with the grocery list portion, and was planning to buy a registration. However, when I copied and pasted a recipe typed in Appleworks, your program “Parsed” the typed text into the Shop’NCook perfectly. Our mouths dropped open when it did that, and I was completely sold on this product.» Bruce Desjardins
«I LOVE LOVE LOVE the recipe parsing bit. That makes it so easy to import recipes (so slick!) and works so well.» June Oshiro
Unfortunately, almost as often as enthusiastic comments, I receive the following question:
“But how do I paste a recipe in the wizard?”
You see, I forgot to put a paste button in the wizard window!
Here is how you paste a recipe into Shop’NCook without paste button:
Copy a recipe to the clipboard in your favorite browser. Open the recipe wizard by clicking on the New button of the toolbar, click on the main field of the wizard and use the shortcuts “COMMAND-V” on Mac OS X or “CONTROL-V” on Windows to paste the recipe. “COMMAND-V” and “CONTROL-V” means you press simultaneously the COMMAND (or Apple) and V keys, respectively the CONTROL and V keys on the keyboard.
Another easy way to import recipes from internet is to import it with the command “Import from clipboard” in the File menu of the recipe manager. The recipe is automatically interpreted and tagged with the category “Import” for later review. See also the tutorial “Importing recipes from the clipboard”.
Oh, and yes, I will add a paste button in the next release.